I'm having a really great time in Otrokovice. Teaching went really well last week and, now that I'm done traveling with the school, I've finally had a chance to get the hang of everything and settle in. This weekend I made several new Czech friends that aren't associated with my school which was very exciting! On Saturday I went to a wine festival in Milonice/Duňany/Mutěnice with a Czech woman named Anna and her Swiss friend Adrian (he was just visiting). The vineyards of Duňany Then on Sunday I went to the "hody z právem" in Spytihněv which was fascinating. I met a woman named Stella and her partner Vratislav (turns out Stella lived in the UK for 16 years and Vratislav speaks English), and they invited me to return on Monday night for the dancing. Tonight I got to dance my first polka and waltz - I had a blast! Zdenka (goes by Stella) and I at the hody - today the dress was more informal but usually the women's kroj from Spytihněv
Jaké je to být Fulbrighterem. What it is like to be a Fulbrighter.