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Zobrazují se příspěvky z červen, 2022

Isabel Keleti and Bree Nichols: Finding Friendship Through Czech Music

Isabel Keleti is a pianist. Bree Nichols is a soprano. Their paths first crossed in September 2021, when they met at the Fulbright orientation for U.S. grantees in Prague; they were just beginning their academic year in the Czech Republic. Isabel came to study Leoš Janáček and other Czech gems of the piano repertoire, and it is no surprise that her host institution was the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno. Bree's research project "Czech Art Song: An Anthology and Recital Series 'From the Page to the Stage'" was hosted at the Faculty of Education of Palacký University in Olomouc. Although they had not originally expected to collaborate, Isabel and Bree would eventually perform together in seven concerts in six cities across the Czech Republic throughout their grant period. One highlight was their early June performance on the rooftop of Prague’s Lucerna together with future Czech Fulbrighter Tomáš Jamník. In this blog post, Isabel and Bree share

Sean McAneny: Thankful to Have Answered Fulbright’s Call

Sean McAneny is an English Teaching Assistant at the only Military High School in the Czech Republic, located in Moravská Třebová. As a former captain of the SUNY Geneseo track & field team, a tutor at his university writing center and with two life-long passions for literature and sports, Sean was placed at this unique high school that prepares young students for future studies at military colleges and careers in the Czech Army. The school has about 350 students, about 75 per cent are males. It is a boarding school with a strict schedule and a strong emphasis on athletics. During a Fulbright visit in November 2021, one of Sean's colleagues noted: "We are teaching future officers and commanders, and this year-long experience with Sean helps us to not only motivate our students to improve their communication skills in English, but it to strengthen their critical thinking."   There is a certain kind of person who goes away to Europe in order to “find himself.” He asks s

Vladimír Papoušek: Literatura si mě vybrala

Vladimír Papoušek je historik literatury. V současné době vede Ústav bohemistiky Filosofické fakulty Jihočeské univerzity v Českých Budějovicích, působí jako proděkan pro vědu a výzkum a učí českou i světovou literaturu. Vladimír Papoušek vyrazil s Fulbrightovým stipendiem do USA v 90. letech. V akademickém roce 1994/1995 působil šest měsíců na Department of Slavic Languages na prestižní Columbia University v New Yorku. Jeho hlavním předmětem zkoumání v USA byl český prozaik a novinář Egon Hostovský, který strávil většinu života v americkém exilu. O svém oboru Vladimír Papoušek říká: "Kdo umí číst a interpretovat texty, chápat proměnlivost jejich smyslu, také dobře chápe proměnlivost a strategie lidské řeči ve veřejném prostoru, takže není lehké ho ošálit." S Vladimírem Papouškem hovořil Ladislav Loukota ze stránky  Vědátor . Rozhovor je devatenáctým dílem seriálu příběhů k 30. výročí Fulbrightovy komise. Videozáznamy najdete začátkem každého měsíce na našem  YouTube  kanále