Logan Stallings taught English during the academic year of 2019/2020 at Secondary Art School in Bechyně. In her English lessons, Logan bravely experimented with team teaching along with her mentor Markéta, and she took a weekly ceramics class. Together with other ETAs in the area, who were placed at Business & Services High School in Tábor and at Gymnázium Pelhřimov, Logan helped to initiate cooperation between the three schools. As the real estate market in Bechyně is limited, Logan lived in Bechyně Castle. It’s hard to believe that a year ago, I was in the Czech Republic. Since the pandemic started, it’s felt like the days were barely creeping by; time seemed to slow down, and 2020 stretched on for an eternity. But somehow, in hindsight, the months have flown by. Time flies when you’re social distancing to the best of your abilities. I miss the Czech Republic, and I especially miss Czech Christmas. Even though I was an ETA, when it came to Czech cultural traditions, I w...
Jaké je to být Fulbrighterem. What it is like to be a Fulbrighter.