Julia Nema is an English Teaching Assistant at Gymnázium Ladislava Jaroše in Holešov, a town of 12,000 people located in the Zlín Region. This year, she teaches English to students aged 12 to 19, and in the afternoons, she hosts four English conversation clubs (three for students and one for interested teachers), and an English writing club. Julia’s parents come from Ukraine. She visited her parents’ homeland once, in 2015, and it was the time when she finally met the “family [she] only ever heard about but had never seen.” Julia further notes that, “For the first time in [her] life, [she] felt whole [and] felt Ukrainian; the culture [she] once thought was so removed from [her] took [her] in its arms and never let go.” After that summer, Julia and her parents returned back to the U.S. However, the unstable political situation, financial constraints and, most recently, the war in Ukraine, prevented Julia from visiting her family again. In 2022, Julia graduated from Villanova University ...
Jaké je to být Fulbrighterem. What it is like to be a Fulbrighter.