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Zobrazují se příspěvky z květen, 2018

ETA Spotlight Interview: Mason Patrick Winkie

by Sinia Amanonce Next year, Mason Winkie will attend West Virginia University for medical school. This year, he is serving as a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant in Uherský Brod, Czech Republic. Below Mason talks about his Czechoslovakian ancestry, crossing the Slovak border on skis, his experiences with Czech traditions, and the power of using memes in the classroom. Fast Facts: Mason Patrick Winkie Hometown: Bridgeport, West Virginia Age: 23 College, Major/Minor: West Virginia Wesleyan College, Biochemistry and Clinical Psychology School in the Czech Republic: Střední průmyslová škola a Obchodní akademie Uherský Brod Favorite Czech Food: Vepřo knedlo zelo Favorite Quote: “The purpose of morality is to teach you, not to suffer and die, but to enjoy yourself and live.” - Ayn Rand Tell me about yourself. My name is Mason Winkie. I come from Bridgeport, West Virginia. I’ve lived in West Virginia my entire life. I attended West Virginia Wesleyan College where I got t...

ETA Spotlight Interview: Jessica Megan Livingston

by Sinia Amanonce Graphic designer, Jessica Megan Livingston, is serving as an English Teaching Assistant this year in Prostějov, Czech Republic. Placed in a fashion and design school, Jessica has been able to teach English while also sharing her passion for and expertise in design with her students. Read below to hear how her “go big or go home” attitude has affected success in her grant year. Jessica Megan Livingston Fast Facts: Hometown: Wheeling, Illinois Age: 22 College, Major/Minor: Carthage College, Graphic Design and Public Relations School in the Czech Republic: Střední škola designu a mody Prostějov Favorite Czech Word: Kava [coffee] Favorite Czech Food: Garlic soup To begin, please tell me about yourself. I’m from Chicago, so I grew up with the city life. It was very typical, there were lots of people, lots of noise, and lots of things to do. I went to a private school in Kenosha, Wisconsin which was the opposite of everything I knew. There were a f...

ETA Spotlight Interview: Claire Shoshana Seid

by Sinia Amanonce In 1978, the Křivoklátsko Nature Preserve became a UNESCO protected biosphere. This unique mosaic of natural elements is where ETA Claire Shoshana Seid is serving her Fulbright term. In this interview, Claire talks about her pet cat, unexpected events of her Fulbright term, and how living in the Czech forests has taught her how to develop a thicker skin.  Fast Facts:  Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio Age: 23 College, Major/Minor: Ohio University Honors Tutorial College, Sociology/ Diversity Studies School in the Czech Republic: Střední škola lesnická a Střední odborné učiliště Křivoklát Favorite Czech Word: “My favorite is probably “já nevím” [I don’t know] because that’s the phrase I use the most.” Favorite Czech Food: “I only know the name in English as my students have told me, but it’s called hunter’s cabbage. Besides that I like smažený sýr [fried cheese].” Favorite Quote: “It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. ...
Michal Trnka, PhD. student na Fakultě elektrotechnické ČVUT, Fulbrightovo post-graduální stipendium na Baylor University, Texas, září 2017 - květen 2018 Život ve Waco Už ani nevím, jak mě napadlo se přihlásit na Fulbrightův program. Ale pamatuji si, že to bylo celkem spontánní rozhodnutí. Od té chvíle mi to přišlo jako jedna z nejlepších věcí, které by se mi mohly povést. Moc jsem nevěřil ve svůj úspěch, ale i tak jsem z toho chtěl odejít s pocitem, že jsem pro to udělal maximum. Z toho důvodu jsem se v létě místo lenošení s pivem nebo chození po horách usilovně věnoval sepisování přihlášky. Nakonec to vyšlo a moje radost byla, a vlastně i stále je, nepopsatelná. Před odletem jsem se snažil zařídit co nejvíce věcí. Nakonec jsem zjistil, že kromě těch nutných, kterými jsou vízum a lékařská prohlídka, nemá smysl nic moc zařizovat předem. Ubytování se na dálku shání špatně, a na univerzitě nebylo nic potřeba. Po příjezdu na Baylor University (a ...