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ETA Spotlight Interview: Sarah Marie Kidder

Sarah Marie Kidder by Sinia Amanonce While attending Penn State University, Sarah Marie Kidder was part of a hip-hop dance team that hosted an event featuring Jaja Vankova, a famous Czech dancer, as one of their judges. As Sarah and Jaja spoke about dance, culture, and the Czech Republic, Sarah was inspired to apply for Fulbright in the Czech Republic. Read below to find out what Sarah has to say about building bonds with students and her experience living in Česká Lípa. Fast Facts: Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Age: 24 College, Major/Minor: Penn State University, University Park, Biobehavioral Health School in the Czech Republic: Obchodní akademie Česká Lípa Favorite Czech word: “I really like “veverka” which means squirrel and the phrase “tak ahoj!”[bye]” Favorite Czech food: Chlebíčky Favorite Quote: “The sun is perfect and you woke this morning. You have enough language in your mouth to be understood. You have a name, and someone wants to call it. Five fi...

Jak se dělá neuroscience na Columbia university a kdy chodí New York spát

Postřehy stipendistky Fulbright-Masarykova programu Petry Winnette Mozek v New Yorku Tak se konečně dostávám k malému zpravodajství. Už jsme se zabydleli na Broadwayi a trochu prozkoumali Manhattan. New York je velmi hlučný, plný lidí, ale taky úžasný. Hučí a žije ve dne v noci. Když se kolem druhé ráno, noční pták, podívám z okna, pořád se něco děje. Columbijská universita je šestou nejlepší universitou na světě. Zabývám se oborem, který je zde skloňován ve všech pádech, i když angličtina pády nemá… Neuroscience! To znamená zejména zkoumání mozku, jeho vývoje a činnosti, která je za vším, co nás dělá lidskými bytostmi: za myšlením, emocemi, pamětí, chováním… Patřím do laboratoře, která se přímo zaměřuje na vývoj mozku u dětí a adolescentů, vlivu adversního dětství na vývoj jednotlivých mozkových struktur a jejich propojení. Jsem u zdroje. Psychologie je na Columbijské universitě silný obor a neuroscience je tady samostatným oborem a zároveň už také zcela integrální součástí ...

ETA Spotlight Interview: Vandana Apte

Vandana Apte by Sinia Amanonce As a biotechnology major, Vandana was interested in becoming a high school chemistry teacher and aimed to do so with the prestigious Teach For America program. Instead, during this academic year, Vandana is serving as a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant in Nový Jičín, Czech Republic. Here, she talks about her experience living abroad, goofing off with her students, and “adulting” in a foreign country. Fast Facts: Hometown: Walpole, Massachusetts Age: 23 College, Major/Minor: Rutgers New Brunswick, Biotechnology/ Bio Science Policy and Management, Women’s and Gender Studies School in the Czech Republic: Mendelova střední škola Nový Jičín Favorite Czech Word: “Well, my least favorite Czech word is the word for closet [skříň]. It’s so hard to say!” Favorite Czech Food: “My favorite Czech food is Svíčková and my favorite Czech candy is Fidorka - they remind me of Kit Kat.” Favorite Quote: “I went to a Kooks concert and I like the title “She Moves ...

ETA Spotlight Interview: Kelsey Gerbec

by Sinia Amanonce Kelsey Gerbec Kelsey Gerbec is a 22-year-old, Indiana University graduate who has spent time teaching English in Peru and Rwanda. This year, she is continuing her experience with international education by serving as an English Teaching Assistant in Litomyšl, Czech Republic. Read below to find out what Kelsey has to say about language education and acquisition, conquering imposter syndrome, and her experience introducing the Cha Cha slide to Czech teens. Fast Facts Hometown: Geneva, Illinois Age: 22 College, Major/Minor: Indiana University, Secondary Math Education/ Spanish and International and Comparative Education School in the Czech Republic: Gymnázium A. Jiráska Litomyšl Favorite Czech word and food: “Oh! Svíčková! I don’t know if that counts as a word because it is food, but it is my favorite Czech food.” Favorite Quote: “Keep moving forward” - Walt Disney. Please, tell me about yourself. I am from the Chicago suburbs and I went to Ind...