Kimberly Stuart is an artistic and adventurous soul. In the past school year, she taught English language at Vocational School of Crafts in Šumperk, a town of 26,000, poetically called the “living gate into Jeseníky Mountains.” With Masters in poetry, a passion for bookbinding, and a love of hiking and outdoor exploration, her placement at a school for future woodworkers, mechanics, engineers, entrepreneurs, carpenters, electricians, and hair dressers was an exciting fit. Embracing her seven years of previous teaching experience, Kimberly had quickly adapted to a new role, and her talented students inspired her to leave a physical and long-lasting mark in Šumperk: “So the idea to build and erect two officially chartered Little Free Libraries in the town square began as a two-fold concept: to showcase the skill of my students and to hopefully make a joyful addition to the city that I’d grown to love.” In her free time, Kimberly and her husband Marley explored Czech culture, traditions,...
Jaké je to být Fulbrighterem. What it is like to be a Fulbrighter.