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Zobrazují se příspěvky z květen, 2021

Michaela Fojtů: Exploring the Boston Biotech Hub in the Time of Pandemic

Michaela Fojtů researches cancer nano-medicine at Masaryk University in Brno. In January 2021, she departed for Harvard University to join their international research team at the Harvard Medical School and its laboratories located within the MIT campus in Cambridge. Roughly in the middle of her 9-month stay in the U.S., Michaela says that she has no doubt that "I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be." Michaela fell in love with the magic of Cambridge and the whole metropolitan area of Boston. At Harvard, she is discovering the plethora of future career opportunities for a graduate with a biochemistry degree. Boston feels like an intersection of science and business, and so she eagerly takes courses offered by the Harvard Business Club. Classes focused on biotech consultancy, patent law, science investing, innovation challenges, and careers in venture capital are commonplace at Harvard University, but unheard of in the Czech university setting. Let´s be honest - there h...

Michelle Devereaux: Critical Empathy in a Year of COVID

Michelle Devereaux is an Associate Professor of English and English Education at Kennesaw State University in Georgia. Her work is heavily influenced by her five years as a high school English teacher. In 2018/2019, Michelle was a Fulbright Scholar at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem. Passionate about excellence in teaching, Michelle helped to train American Fulbright English Teaching Assistants in the Czech Republic and their local colleagues while on her grant. In this blog post, Michelle reflects on the past year of teaching mostly in the virtual world and on the lessons of critical empathy that she has learned from her students.     We had done everything right. We had researched, planned, drafted, and then researched again. We had received permissions and signed forms. Our academic unit was done. The 10th grade classroom and its teacher were both ready to go. The curricular unit on Global Englishes was our brain child. We hadn’t found any previous...

Barbora Pafčo: Odkojená dokumenty National Geographic snila o zvířatech v Africe

Barbora Pafčo zkoumá střevní parazity a bakterie vyskytující se u lidí a ostatních primátů v Ústavu biologie obratlovců Akademie věd České republiky. V rozhovoru prozrazuje, že zvířata ji fascinují od dětství, kdy hltala hlavně dokumenty od National Geographic a snila o tom, že jednou bude s dalekohledem v ruce pozorovat zvířata v Africe. Tenhle sen se jí splnil a k ujasnění dalších profesních i osobních snů a cílů jí pomohl i pobyt v USA s Fulbright-Masarykovým stipendiem. Barbora v roce 2017/2018 strávila osm měsíců na University of Minnesota v americkém státě Minneapolis.  S Barborou Pafčo hovořil Ladislav Loukota ze stránky  Vědátor . Rozhovor je sedmým dílem seriálu příběhů k 30. výročí Fulbrightovy komise. Videozáznamy najdete každou první středu v měsíci na našem  YouTube  kanále a  Facebooku . V pátek Vám přinášíme částečný přepis rozhovoru zde na blogu . Co je obor vašeho výzkumu? Zabývám se zejména střevními parazity a bakteriemi u lidí a ost...